Caoyun Fan’s HomePage




  • 基于大语言模型的智能代理:基于大语言模型的通用能力,探索和评测LLM-based Agent的能力边界,开发在真实场景中实用的智能代理。
  • 大语言模型在社会科学中的应用:探索大语言模型与社会科学的交叉融合,相互赋能。提升社会科学研究的效率。
  • 因果驱动的自然语言处理方法:挖掘文本数据中的因果关系,缓解深度学习中对虚假相关性的错误依赖。


I am Caoyun Fan(范曹耘), a fourth-year PhD candidate at Shanghai Jiao Tong University AI Institute, supervised by Prof. Yaohui Jin(金耀辉). I received my Bachelor degree in Basic Mathematical Sciences from the Honors College in the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.

My research papers are published in AAAI, ACL, EMNLP, ICASSP, COLING, ESWA, APIN, .etc.

My research interests include:

  • Large Language Model-based intelligent agent: Based on the general capabilities of LLMs, explore and evaluate the capability boundaries of LLM-based agents, and develop intelligent agents that are practical in real scenarios.
  • Application of large language models in social sciences: Explore the intersection and integration of LLMs and social sciences to empower each other. Improve the efficiency of social science research.
  • Cause-driven natural language processing methods: mine causal relationships in text data and alleviate the reliance on spurious correlations in language models.

I expect to graduate in 2025. I’m looking for an internship in 2024 and a full-time job in 2025. If you are interested, please contact me.

Date modified: 2024-01-12